Sunday, the last day of the weekend before a new week. Self care Sunday so is important so you can start the new week with a great mindset. I want to share 22 Sunday self care ideas, most of them free and all of them really easy to do! Make sure to pin this post!

What is self care?
I think now more than ever, self care is so important. Self care is taking care of yourself in all the ways (mentally, physically, etc.) so that you can better live life, however that looks for you. It is small things and steps to take to reduce stress in your life.
Selfcare is not selfish in the least, but rather necessary for your well being. It helps you unwind and reset, making you better able to cope with daily tasks.
There is so much more to self care and I’ve barely scratched the surface but you get the idea.
Make sure to pin this post for later or share with a friend for ideas for Self care Sunday.
Tips for Sunday Self care:
Sometimes it can be hard to purposefully spend time on ourselves while constantly rushing about life. It’s also sometimes hard to practice selfcare without feeling guilty. I’m here to offer some tips of how to make sure you schedule self care Sunday into your week.
- Schedule time ahead of Sunday. Make sure you know that on Sunday at 2pm for example, that is you time. Keep that time and don’t make plans. (Emergencies happen though!)
- Start small with maybe 15 minutes of self care. Soon you will look forward to that time and then you can extend your time if possible.
- Plan realistically. If you know you’ll only have an hour on Sunday, then don’t plan a huge spa session. Maybe plan for a nice face mask and skin routine. Start small and if you accomplish more, that’s great!
Now finally, here are Sunday self care ideas for you!
1. Get some sunshine
Sunshine is one of my favourite forms of self care! So whether its just sitting outside in your yard and soaking up some rays or hitting the beach to get a tan, get some sun however you do sun. Obviously, some of us have to live with winter (I am not a fan!) so make sure you’re getting Vitamin D supplements if that is what you need!
2. Have a spa session
This is an easy and a fun one you can do right at home. There are so many options:
- face mask and skin routine
- body mask or body polish
- hair mask
- soak in the tub
- self pedicure
- self manicure
- use some nice smelling lotion/oils after a bath
3. Get out in nature
This one seems to be a popular one! Being outside in nature is so theraputic for the mind and body. Plus, there is no wrong way to get out in nature. Walking, sitting, running, napping, however you wish to do it. If you have a nice yard, you don’t even have to leave your property. Or you can take a walk to a local park or the woods.

4. Be creative
This comes in so many different forms for everyone. Whether it’s photography, baking, painting, reading, watching movies, drawing, playing an instrument, singing, dancing and the list goes on! Get those creative juices flowing!
5. Drink some water
Water is so good for us anyway! It boost our metabolism, keeps everything running smoothly, hydrates you, keeps your skin healthy, and so much more. Our bodies are at least 60% water! So grab a glass and let’s continue with the rest of these tips.
6. Journal
Get your thoughts and feelings out on paper. This helps your mind to not stress and think so much. Write out your to-do list, your sad thoughts, your plans. It also may help you organize things better for the week ahead.
7. Listen to some music
Blast it, play it softly, dance to it, scream to it, head bang to it, clap to it, jam out. Listen to some music, however it is that you “listen”.
8. Drink some tea
“Tea is a cup of love.” is a quote I heard once. Tea is warm and comforting and full of good flavours. Herbal teas with chamomile are the best for relaxation. For extra fun, use a fancy teapot and sugar cubes!

9. Hug Someone
Hugs do so many things! They help your heart health, release oxytocin, decrease stress levels and so much more!
10. Breathe
This one is easy. Just breathe. Clear your mind. Close your eyes. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Fill your lungs and your brain with air and just focus on that.
11. Bake
Baking always helps me feel better. It helps release your creativity as you use flavours and colors and scents to create a master piece! It keeps you busy and gives you something to do so your mind isn’t thinking and stressing. It also gives you an end product you can enjoy which makes you feel productive.

12. Make a goal list for the new week
Setting goals for the new week can be a great way to clear your head and help you feel ready to start the new week. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, you can have a clear plan of what you need to do. Just don’t make too many goals that you know you won’t be able to accomplish because that is just stressful and the complete opposite of Selfcare Sunday.
13. Exercise
Moving your body, whether it’s yoga, a walk, simple stretches or a full workout, is a great way to get oxygen to your brain.

14. Write or call a friend
Sometimes simply talking to a friend can brighten your day! And sitting down to write a letter could be a good way to get your mind to think about other things if you are stressed.
15. Declutter
This doesn’t have to be something big! It can be a drawer in your room, a cupboard in the kitchen, a box in the basement. Try and get rid of at least one thing and if you get even more, that’s great!
16. Clean
Cleaning could also be a great way to help you feel less stress! I find it very therapeutic and plus at the end of it you have a clean house! Win win!
17. Do a puzzle
Puzzles are so satisfying for me! I love seeing all the pieces come together and it’s a great feeling when you’ve assembled the whole puzzle and can stand back and admire your work.
18. Watch a funny movie
Laughing is good for the soul, so watch a funny movie or even some Youtube videos if you don’t have time for a whole movie!
19. Put your phone away
Sometimes a break from your screen is a great way to reset! It helps you be in the moment, focus on the present, and could improve anxiety.
20. Eat some good food
Feeding your body something that’s good for it could help boost your mood! There are so many foods that help your body in different ways so do a little research to see what it is that could help your body!
Example: Dark chocolate helps improve mood Try Chocolate Chip Cookies with Maple Syrup!

21. Read a book
Reading is always a good idea. It can transport you, teach you or entertain you. It could help you relax and let your mind stop thinking for awhile.
22. Light a candle or scensty.
Smells can help in so many ways. A calming scent like lavender or lemon, a dreamy scent like ocean or mountain, or even the classic vanilla!
There are so many self care Sunday ideas out there! What is your favourite form of self care? I’d love to hear from you! Leave me a comment, send me an email, or even drop by my Instagram, I love meeting new people!
First published August 2020, edited and reposted February 2022!
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