Wow, I can’t believe it’s been over half a year that I’ve sat down to write a blog post! Summer is always so busy with work but 2022 was extra busy. And I kept telling myself that “next month things will slow down” but with each month brought more fun crazy times, and now here we are, in 2023 already!
2022 can only be described as a whirlwind year and I’m hoping I can recollect all of it to share here! I got to go on 2 trips, worked a new job, had so much quality family time, checked items off my bucket list, became more confident in myself, learned lots, ate so much delicious food and made many amazing memories.

I rang in the new year being quarantined with my brother at my place! It was disappointing at first because we were looking forward to all being together with the family. But it ended up being a nice time to relax, watch movies, cook and eat good food, play video games, and spend more time together. On my trip to Alberta the month before I hadn’t gotten to cook for my brother as much as I would have liked so this was a redeeming time for me which I didn’t take for granted!
I visited Ontario for most of January. It’s always nice to go back and see friends and family. A lot of my plans got cancelled and changed due to weather/friends being sick. So I ended up being able to spend a whole week with my Grandma which was amazing!

I was back home for a week or so and then I flew off to Missouri to visit my friends! It was a short sweet visit filled with puppies, cooking meals for them, visiting a cool aquarium, going to my first rodeo, making a trip to Bolivar to see my friend at her university, watching a wrestling tournament, and getting to try frog legs for the first time. Bucket list item, checked off!

I got back home from Missouri the middle of March and the rest of the month was filled with birthday celebrations with my sisters, hang outs with my niece, baking and cooking, and starting back to work.
April started off wedding dress shopping for my sister Erica! It was such a beautiful day and I’m so glad to be a part of that special day in her life! April was also the month I got C*vid lol! It was also filled with eating delicious food (according to my camera roll). Sushi, duck poutine, Starbucks drinks with my sister, real Chinese food (as close to it as you can get here!) with my brother and sister, and some yummy meals that I made at home!
This summer I learned something new and worked for a landscaping company.

And more delicious food as Burger Love was that month! May was also when my Grandma moved in with my parents so my sister Jessica came to live with me. I was super worried at first because I love living alone and my own space but now I can’t imagine her not being there. It was definitely one of the best things to happen in 2022.

June and July
The first month of summer started out with a bridal shower for my sister! We had it at my place and I did all the food and decorations. It was so much fun hosting and my sister was so happy which made it all worth it.

No surprise, June and July were filled with delicious food, ice cream, great beach days, strawberry picking, lots of trips to Moncton, landscaping, lots of exploring the island, and family visits as my brother came home as well as my aunt and uncle from Ontario!

My sister’s bachelorette was in St. Martins, NB and it was so much fun! We stayed in an air b n b, went out to eat, played games, went in the hot tub, and went on a super fun kayaking tour around the sea caves.

I have to say this summer was the best one in a long time! It went by too fast as it always does but it was such a warm summer and I loved it. I spent so much time at the beach and got such a great tan. Even though I worked 6 days a week most weeks and work was so busy I am thankful for all I learned, both new things and things about myself! I was able to take my niece to the beach and to get ice cream a lot, moments I’ll remember always.

Summer was so crazy and I thought things would slow down once the fall hit but it seemed to get crazier! I spent Labor Day exploring Cavendish with Jessica. My brother came home and surprised us by bringing my Mom’s mom with him! It was so much fun having her here. We took her to the beach and she had so much fun.
My sister’s wedding was a perfect day! The weather was gorgeous, location was breath taking, she looked stunning and everything went so well. I am so happy for her and glad I got to be a part of her special day.

After the wedding, my friends from Ontario wanted to explore PEI since they were only there for the day. And I hung out with them. I took them to Thunder Cove and my friend actually got to see Teacup rock before the hurricane washed it away the following week.
October was a pretty slow month. The newlyweds hosted Thanksgiving at their place and it was delicious and lots of fun! My parents, Grandma, Jessica and I went to a hockey game later that month which was fun.
November was a huge month for me as I donated blood for the first time AND got laser eye surgery! I had thought about eye surgery a few times over the past few years and I just randomly called TLC to do a consultation and they had a huge promotion on so I spur of the moment booked an appointment.

I turned 27 in the last month of 2022 and had a pretty great birthday! I worked the morning but my co workers gave a card and some cookies. Erica came over from Moncton to spend the day. And we all had carrot cake together. Then all my sisters and I went to Charlottetown for the evening. We went to Slaymaker and Nichols (had been on my bucket list all year!). We got soooo much amazing food and some delicious drinks and laughed and talked and was truly the perfect way to start my year of being 27!

I went to Moncton quite a bit in December. I went to a dinner theatre with my great aunt and checked out the Riverview Christmas lights with Erica. I made plum pudding for the first time this Christmas and also decorated my apartment with lights, candles and decorations.

Christmas 2022 was filled with some disappointment, lots of laughs, games, chocolate, so much food, and surrounded by great people!

New Years Eve was pretty quiet as Jessica wasn’t feeling well. I worked and then we spent the evening watching the new Wonder Woman!
For 2023 I have some fun travel plans booked, some possible big changes happening, and hopefully lots more memories, great food, family time, learning, and adventures in the making! 2022 had it’s hard moments but for the most part it was a pretty great year and I am hoping 2023 will be able to top that. So here’s to the new year!
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